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Our Mission

Right now, stop the rush of thoughts, remember your best date..

Or maybe just imagine it..

What do you feel?

Shivers, a smile, warmth, butterflies in the stomach?

For us, a date is like a principle of looking at life.

Be on a date with life.. Always..

When you drink coffee in the morning, run, read a book, enjoy time with loved ones..

Take a slow breath.. and exhale.. Inhale life..

See how beautiful it is? This sky, the sea, air..

At Date Art Cafe, you will always get food not only for the stomach, but also for the heart and soul!


On the second floor of our cafe, we invite you to enjoy the exhibitions

We have live music evenings, markets, festivals, etc

A party with colleagues, lunch with family or friends

Birthdays and bachelorette parties.


In addition to the main menu, we have a date menu where you can choose a unique and interesting experience, like dinner on a traditional Maltese boat, for example.

A date for us is much more than just a meeting.

It's a state when you are in a romantic relationship with life.

When your life is your main love, your only one.

Flirt with your life, dance with it!

Invite your life on a date!

We are happy that our community is growing!

Remember that you are special!

And your soul is incredibly beautiful.

Be on a date with life!

Founder of the project -
Love between Ivan & Olga

Ivan's career is marked by a unique commitment to public happiness.
With a background as a Consultant Psychiatrist and a Master's in Public Health, he transitioned from clinical psychiatry to a mission focused on democratizing well-being.
He developed private mental health clinics in London and has been part of several voluntary organisations that aim to make the world a better place.
His career and studies in psychiatry and public health form the foundation for his current endeavours.

Olga is a main creative force who continues to shape and sharpen the concept of the Date Art Cafe
With professional experience in Live Theatre and an education in Film Directing and ten years of experience in the hospitality-related event industry, she is a true mastermind – and she helped infuse this dream with her own creativity, and is the brains behind the Date Menu

Our Local Celebrity - Bianca

This beautiful, good looking cat is always around, warming up the hearts of our guests!

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